Thursday 9 January 2014

Rolo chocolate spread cookies!!

Today Rolo chocolate spread cookies are going on my seal of approval.My sister made these a while ago when we were watching Scott Pilgrim vs the world (it's a good movie :)) and they were soo good!I don't have the recipe but you can always Google.These cookies are basically a chocolate cookie filled with a Rolo and some chocolate spread.YUMMY!

So what happens in that the Rolo melts and you have caramel!They are really scrummy and enjoyable.You can also try your own mix of recipes like Peanut butter and chocolate or strawberry and cream (must try that sometime) try anything!

BYE WORLD! See you soon!

Anyway I have nothing left to write so here gos!My verdict is:YAY! Rolo chocolate spread cookies rule! they are awesome easy and so yummy! THUMBS UP!