Monday 27 January 2014

Peanut butter and jelly cupcakes!

Today I made peanut butter and jelly cupcakes! They were just finished about ten minutes ago and when my sister took a bite she said it was pretty good. I ate one myself and it was actually really nice! I got the recipe from Laura in the Kitchen and it does take some time and mine did turn out like dog poops but they were delicious all the same!
Bye world!     :b

The bad thing about these cupcakes is that they are seriously filling! I took one bite and instantly got really full. The picture at the top are my cupcakes and they do look like dog poops! My verdict for these are:  Yeah, yeah, yeah! You are really yummy! So I hope you enjoyed this post on my blog and peanut butter butter and jelly cupcakes are officially on Willemijn's Seal of Approval!

Squash you later!

My cupcakes are in the oven

Hello everyone! My cupcakes are baking in the oven and then I'm going to put strawberry jam in them and put peanut butter frosting on top! When they are done I will put them onto my blog but that might be a while.

PS ( the cupcakes will not look like this).

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Yes or No?

Hello! Today we are going to have a Yes or No chocolate bar post. Oh yes. If you don't know what a 'Yes or No' round is go to my posts list and you will find in there. OK, let's get started

.I don't like Chomps. They are boring and hard and not interesting. There are enough bars like the Chomp and I like them sure but there's no need for another caramel bar that's exactly the same as another bar. No for Chomps!

My sister loves Yorkies. I know they say stupid stuff like girls aren't allowed to eat Yorkies but who cares. Seriously! Yorkies are quite nice and I know my sister is a rebel so they get a Yes!

3.  Milkyway
I love Milkyways soooo much. I never really buy them but whenever I go trick-or-treating I get a load of Milkyways.  The not fun size Milkyways are actually pretty big. I never buy them but since I get so many of them when it's Halloween Milkyways get a Yes!

4. Twirl
 Sorry Twirls but I find you so plain and so boring that I want to throw up. I hate you Twirls! I don't even know why you are on my Seal of Approval because you don't deserve it. Twirls, you are going to get the biggest no ever made on my Seal of Approval!

OK, so now Milkyways and Yorkies are on my Seal of Approval but for Twirls and Chomps. In the bin you go. I hope you enjoyed reading my Seal of Approval.

Bye World!
Squash you later!

Tuesday 21 January 2014


Lemons are going on my seal of approval today. I love lemons soooooo much. They are one of my favourite citrus fruits ever! I love lemons on or with anything! Pancakes, cupcakes, cheesecake anything! Just so you know I am not going to put all of those things on my blog today ( I'm going to save them for another day ). Lemons are actually really, really sour but the ZEST is the thing you can use for baking. I also saw in a supermarket that you can buy lemon extract. That will obviously not be as good as the zest of a real lemon.

Lemons come from trees and with lemons you can make lemonade! I would not advise you to eat a lemon whole but lemons really are a good thing to bake with. My lemon cupcake recipe is from Rachel Allen but the oven times don't make any sense.  A really good lemon cupcake recipe I saw is from Laura Vitale and her cupcakes are just adorable!

My awesome verdict for lemons is...  Lemons you are cool! You rock my world! I will see you soon bye for now. 

ByE wOrLd!

Monday 20 January 2014

Curly wurly

Hi, everyone! Today CURLY WURLIES are going on my seal of approval. I love curly wurlies soo much. They are two things I absolutely love, chocolate ( duh, ) and caramel. There is caramel inside the chocolate. And also the brand is Cadbury which is good because there is some chocolate that is not as nice as Cadbury. Cadbury is the best type of chocolate in my opinion!

Just so you know, I am putting chocolate bars on my seal of approval instead of just saying: a caramel bar. But I will be putting stuff like milk chocolate on my blog someday! If you have never tasted a Curly wurly go to your nearest shop that sells chocolate bars buy one and eat it! You will not regret eating a Curly wurly.

I used to always eat Curly wurlies when I was small but over the years I kind of forgot about them. But this Halloween I went trick-or-treating and got a load of Curly wurlies! I realised how yummy they are and I just had to put them on my blog when a friend suggested it to me. My official verdict for Curly wurlies is...
                                                       HAPPY HEART! You rock Curly wurly!

Bye WoRlD!

Sunday 19 January 2014

Combination: orange and chocolate

Today the combination ORANGE and CHOCOLATE is going on my seal of approval.I love oranges.I love chocolate.If you put them together you get.. an avalanche of flavour! Orange and chocolate is just pretty much the best food combination ever!There is a lot of things that are chocolate orange flavour. There are now orange and chocolate bars (go onto Google images and search chocolate and orange bars for more) 
and there are even chocolate oranges!

There re also lots of chocolate orange things you can bake.There are cupcakes,marble cake ice-cream and many more! I am soon going to try the chocolate orange muffin recipe by Laura Vitale.Yesterday I tried eating a milk chocolate digestive with an orange but it is NOT a good idea. Trust me!

BYE World!

OK, moving on.My verdict for the combination of  chocolate and orange is .... (belly roll) Thumbs up!Chocolate and orange is just so amazing I can't describe it, I will love chocolate and orange forever!

Friday 17 January 2014


Hiya! At the moment I can't think of anything to put on my blog.I might be back soon if something comes to me. Bye World!

Thursday 16 January 2014

Caramel Squares

Today CARAMEL SQUARES are going on my seal of approval!! I'm so excited. Yesterday I made them in my cooking class and we ate them before I could make a picture of them! Sorry. What caramel squares are is a shortbread biscuit base with homemade toffee and melted chocolate on top. Doesn't that sound totally AMAZING!

You can have your own twist on this recipe all you like.You could put on another layer of toffee on top of the chocolate or put on double shortbread whatever you like!I haven't got a link for a caramel square. I've got a caramel square recipe but I'm not really bothered to type it out seeing as I'm really tired and just don't want to.You can just Google it! If you want to you only can make toffee and then put it with ice-cream and it is just,AMAZING! One other idea is that you put bana slices under the toffee before you put the caramel squares into the fridge and you have BANOFFEE!


Ok, my verdict for caramel squares is.....Oh yeah! Caramel squares you rock!

Wednesday 15 January 2014


Hi everyone I actually did come up with an idea for my seal of approval.Today I am putting on noodles!Yay! I love noodles so much!They are just such a nice snack!I eat noodles quite a lot and I eat the package ones and they are delicious.I mostly eat plain ones but sometimes I eat the chicken ones.I think the most famous brand of noodles are the Pot noodles.They are pretty nice but have some yucky flavours that I don't enjoy like chicken & mushroom and tomato & beef.

My absolute favourite type of noodle combination is...PORK AND NOODLES!I had these in my cooking class and they were so AMAZING!It was real pork and really nice stringy noodles and thy were just, underscribable! I must ask the cooking lady for the recipe.
The original noodles are from China or Japan.(I'm not so sure really)Those type of noodles are really thick and have a stir fry.I don't really have anymore to write about so I'll just get on with it.There are also weird noodle flavours like Knorr pizza instant noodles and onion flavour.Here are some interesting facts:1.In Japan, it is considered good form to loudly slurp your noodles as a way of telling your host you are enjoying the meal.2.Noodles have been created from flour and water since 1000 BC and today they are more popular than ever!3.Australians consume more than 18 million kilograms of noodles every year-that's almost 1 kilogram per person!

Now,my verdict for all types of noodles is......NOODLES ARE AWESOME!! I will see you soon.
Bye World!


Hello everyone!Sorry I have no idea whatsoever of what to put on my blog!I will ask my friends about what to put on my blog tomorrow.Bye bye! :(

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Crisps!!!!! :P

Today crisps are going on my seal of approval. I really like crisps. There are so many flavours and shapes. Personally I like Doritos, Hunky Dorys and anything bacon or cheese & onion flavour. Originally crisps are made from potatoes but now they are made in ginormous factories.I am feeling pink today.If you go to places like Tayto Park in Ireland you can go into a hall where you can see the Tayto factory and the crisps being made.

There are so many flavours of crisps that I probably can't name them all but there a few extraordinary ones like TOMATO KETCHUP, SUNDAY BEST ROAST CHICKEN and even HONEY ROAST HAM AND CRANBERRY! Tayto has actually made a cheese & onion flavour chocolate bar with real bits of the cheese & onion!I actually think it's pretty nice.Two of my all time favourite types of crisps are CHEESE PUFFS and PAPRIKA crisps.
I know some of you may not know what flavour crisp paprika is but sadly I can't explain that.Sorry!Google it!

Now to get on with things.My verdict for crisps (not all the flavours, not the yucky ones) is...Crisps you ROCK!I love you crisps you are just delicious!

Monday 13 January 2014

Yes or No?

Today on my seal of approval there is going to be a Yes or No post.What is a yes or no post you may ask?Well,it's a post where I put little things that are not really big enough to be on my blog on one big post and it's either a yes or a no.So let's get started.

Cucumbers are one of my favourite veggies and they are great for a snack.I love cucumbers so they get a big YES!

2.Chocolate chip cookies
I love these cookies so much whether they're baked or store bought they are great.I like making chocolate chip cookies myself and try Laura Vitale's cookie recipes.YES! :)

3.Brussels sprouts
Sorry brussels sprouts but you are so horrible and disgusting!I never eat them but when I do they are seriously just GROSS!Biggest NO in the world! :(

And finally raisins are on my Yes or No post.I don't like raisins at all.I used to but not anymore.They look disgusting and even though they are pretty much dried grapes (grapes are yummy)I just can't eat them.I do like those raisin apple bars but overall raisins are just a NO!

Now I hope you enjoyed the first Yes or No post so far, I might post another soon.So all those yes things(cucumbers and chocolate chip cookies) ARE on my seal of approval.But for raisins and brussels sprouts they are definitely NOT on my seal of approval!Bye world!

Sunday 12 January 2014

Spritz cookies

Sorry I didn't put a post on my blog yesterday.I forgot all about it and went to bed.I just finished making spritz cookies and they are so GOOD I just had to put them on my blog.I made around a hundred and it took a while but it was totally worth it.I finally got to use my cookie press and it worked!The last time I used it it didn't work.What a cookie press is is a kind of a cookie gun really.You load it with dough and press it against the baking tray and out comes a cookie in any shape that you want.Depending on the cookie press you have it will vary from how many discs (shapes) you will have.I used the dinosaur shape and a heart.

I found the perfect recipe for the best spritz cookie and I think taht recipe is the one by Laura Vitale.It's so good and you can make a HUNDRED cookies from just a few ingredients.I also sprinkle on some sprinkles before I bake them so the cookies don't stick.

Now moving on.You can also dye your batter but I don't bother.I am going to do the "my verdict" thing now so my verdict for spritz cookies is..THUMBS UP!Spritz cookies are so good so easy and so delicious.You can also make the cookies without a cookie press just role the dough into balls and press down.See you tomorrow for more things on Willemijn's Seal of Approval!Batman says yes! :P

Saturday 11 January 2014

I am thinking

Hello people who look at my blog!I might post my seal of approval later because I am still thinking of what to put on my seal of approval.Bye!
See you soon! :P

Friday 10 January 2014


Today apples are going on my seal of approval!I'm not sure why I am just in the mood for an apple so I thought why not?There is nothing that amazing about apples really.There are loads of brands like Pink Lady, Granny Smith and many more.Another pointer is that you can put apples in pretty much anything.Seriously! Apples can go into anything! Apple pie, cupcakes, tart, etc.There is also the Apple Company where you can buy Macs and Ipods (I have one) and Iphones.

One not so good thing about apples is that they can go brown.But, that will not happen if you eat them quickly!Apples also are kind of famous for having worms or caterpillars in them.This doesn't usually happen in real life but it does every now and then.
And there is also the name bookworm if you love reading(I do!).

Now here comes the moment you've all been waiting for.My verdict on apples is....(Drum roll)HOORAY FOR APPLES! :P Apples we love you!
Apples are yummy!BYE WORLD!

Thursday 9 January 2014

Rolo chocolate spread cookies!!

Today Rolo chocolate spread cookies are going on my seal of approval.My sister made these a while ago when we were watching Scott Pilgrim vs the world (it's a good movie :)) and they were soo good!I don't have the recipe but you can always Google.These cookies are basically a chocolate cookie filled with a Rolo and some chocolate spread.YUMMY!

So what happens in that the Rolo melts and you have caramel!They are really scrummy and enjoyable.You can also try your own mix of recipes like Peanut butter and chocolate or strawberry and cream (must try that sometime) try anything!

BYE WORLD! See you soon!

Anyway I have nothing left to write so here gos!My verdict is:YAY! Rolo chocolate spread cookies rule! they are awesome easy and so yummy! THUMBS UP!

Wednesday 8 January 2014


A friend of mine told me to put strawberries on my blog.Strawberries are soooo DELICIOUS!!!They go well with ANYTHING!! Chocolate,cream any fruits you name it strawberries will go with it.You can also have strawberries in milkshakes (yesterday's blog post) cupcakes and anything to bake in.You will probably know that strawberries in the most common dessert is strawberry cheesecake.Cheesecake is yummy!! I actually make it sometimes and that is awesome!! Anyway, (I will probably do a post on cheesecake some day) moving on.

I think the most common combination for strawberries is strawberries and CREAM. That is so delicious! I actually read a book in which they make a strawberries and cream chocolate truffle! (Summer's Dream, it's a good book)I think you might also be able to try strawberries and cheese! I'm not really sure I just saw it in
the movie Ratatouille so I might try it today.Another great thing about strawberries is you can buy them pretty much anywhere! You can also grow your own.And also try the strawberries dipped in chocolate recipe by Laura Vitale.

Now my verdict for these yummy strawberries is: HAPPY HEART!!

Bye World!!