Monday 20 January 2014

Curly wurly

Hi, everyone! Today CURLY WURLIES are going on my seal of approval. I love curly wurlies soo much. They are two things I absolutely love, chocolate ( duh, ) and caramel. There is caramel inside the chocolate. And also the brand is Cadbury which is good because there is some chocolate that is not as nice as Cadbury. Cadbury is the best type of chocolate in my opinion!

Just so you know, I am putting chocolate bars on my seal of approval instead of just saying: a caramel bar. But I will be putting stuff like milk chocolate on my blog someday! If you have never tasted a Curly wurly go to your nearest shop that sells chocolate bars buy one and eat it! You will not regret eating a Curly wurly.

I used to always eat Curly wurlies when I was small but over the years I kind of forgot about them. But this Halloween I went trick-or-treating and got a load of Curly wurlies! I realised how yummy they are and I just had to put them on my blog when a friend suggested it to me. My official verdict for Curly wurlies is...
                                                       HAPPY HEART! You rock Curly wurly!

Bye WoRlD!