Tuesday 21 January 2014


Lemons are going on my seal of approval today. I love lemons soooooo much. They are one of my favourite citrus fruits ever! I love lemons on or with anything! Pancakes, cupcakes, cheesecake anything! Just so you know I am not going to put all of those things on my blog today ( I'm going to save them for another day ). Lemons are actually really, really sour but the ZEST is the thing you can use for baking. I also saw in a supermarket that you can buy lemon extract. That will obviously not be as good as the zest of a real lemon.

Lemons come from trees and with lemons you can make lemonade! I would not advise you to eat a lemon whole but lemons really are a good thing to bake with. My lemon cupcake recipe is from Rachel Allen but the oven times don't make any sense.  A really good lemon cupcake recipe I saw is from Laura Vitale and her cupcakes are just adorable!

My awesome verdict for lemons is...  Lemons you are cool! You rock my world! I will see you soon bye for now. 

ByE wOrLd!