Friday 3 January 2014

Innocent smoothies!!!!!

What is going on my seal of approval today is ....... Innocent smoothies! Oh yes! Innocent smoothies are so AMAZING. They are filled with fruits (berries, oranges, passion fruit etc.) and have lots of different flavours.

And, you are able to knit hats for the big knit.The big knit is where you just knit hats and they go onto the smoothies like the ones on the picture on the right.People can buy the smoothies with the hats on and 30c gos to Age Action.I myself have actually knitted a few hats.Innocent smoothies also have loads of juices, veg pots, noodle pots and many more.You can also check out the Innocent smoothie website if you want.

Now, my verdict is: (Drumroll) Thumbs up!!Innocent smoothies you rule!
Bye world!