Sunday 19 January 2014

Combination: orange and chocolate

Today the combination ORANGE and CHOCOLATE is going on my seal of approval.I love oranges.I love chocolate.If you put them together you get.. an avalanche of flavour! Orange and chocolate is just pretty much the best food combination ever!There is a lot of things that are chocolate orange flavour. There are now orange and chocolate bars (go onto Google images and search chocolate and orange bars for more) 
and there are even chocolate oranges!

There re also lots of chocolate orange things you can bake.There are cupcakes,marble cake ice-cream and many more! I am soon going to try the chocolate orange muffin recipe by Laura Vitale.Yesterday I tried eating a milk chocolate digestive with an orange but it is NOT a good idea. Trust me!

BYE World!

OK, moving on.My verdict for the combination of  chocolate and orange is .... (belly roll) Thumbs up!Chocolate and orange is just so amazing I can't describe it, I will love chocolate and orange forever!