Wednesday 26 February 2014

Combination: Crisps on Bread

Today there will be a combination of Crisps and Bread! Crisps on bread is the best sandwich EVER! The best crisps on are cheese & onion or paprika. Salt & vinegar are not as nice but might work. And white seedless bread is the yummiest bread.

I am listening to Disney songs right now so my verdict is...COOL! A crisp sandwich is the yummiest sandwich EVER! Come back tomorrow for another food or drink on Willemijn's Seal of Approval. Bye World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Chocolate milk and Lemon cake

I haven't really had a post for a while but I was on holidays! When I was on holidays I drank a lot of chocolate milk and I just love chocolate milk now!There are lots of brands of chocolate milk but they are pretty much all delicious! It is also kind of healthy ( well healthier than Coke anyway ). You can make your own chocolate milk but the store bought type is MUCH better.

On Sunday I made a lemon cake! I got the recipe from my granny in Holland and the cake was so yummy! It is a little bit lopsided but still amazing! Inside the cake was lemon cake and lemon curd and lemon cream on top. I also stuck some toppers in the cake to make it look pretty.

Okay, so my verdict for chocolate milk and the lemon cake I made is...( drumroll ) ...THUMBS UP!!! They were both delicious and amazing. So BYE WORLD!!!

Thursday 13 February 2014


Today I made a chocoflan and it was soo filling and yummy! What a chocoflan is is a chocolate cake and on top is a flan, chocoflan get it? It was a bit time-consuming but totally worth it. I got my recipe form Laura in the Kitchen where you won't be able to get an easier recipe. Here's a picture of my chocoflan. I just love it when things turn out like you want them to.

I have never had a flan before ore a chocoflan but they are just bliss. If you plan on making something nice this week a chocoflan is what you are going to make. There's not really that much to say about chocoflans so my verdict for these yummy chocoflans is.....THUMBS UP!! Chocoflans rule and I'm gonna go now to eat some more!


Wednesday 12 February 2014

Yes or No

We are having a CUPCAKE Yes or No today! So I know you can buy cupcakes in your local supermarket but I'm pretty sure homemade cupcakes are a MILLION times better. Am I right? Yes, I am. Just because homemade cupcakes are better than store bought ones doesn't mean that I don't like store bought ones! Let's get started.

1. Red velvet cupcakes.
I made red velvet cupcakes a while ago and I think that they are on my blog but I'm not sure. What a red velvet cupcakes is a red cupcake ( can be red from beet juice but I use food colouring ) with a cream cheese frosting on top. These cupcakes turned out AMAZINGLY and were super duper simple to do. They are probably the prettiest cupcakes  I have ever made so they get a big YES! 

2.Blueberry cupcakes
If you have read other recent blog posts you will realise that I don't like blueberries. They look great in a cupcake but blueberries muffins just get a NO.

3.Vanilla cupcakes
We all know that vanilla cupcakes are the most simplest cupcake ever but that doesn't mean they're not yummy! I have made dozens and dozens of vanilla cupcakes but they are always delicious! Vanilla cupcakes you get a YES!

Sooo red velvet and vanilla cupcakes are on my seal of approval but as for blueberry you are so not going on Willemijn's seal of approval!BYE WORLD!

Monday 10 February 2014

I love giraffes!!!!!!!

Sorry the title is I love giraffes, I just feel like saying that. And, by reading the title you won't know what is going on my seal of approval. What IS going on my seal of approval is.......hmmmmm....M&Ms!!! Yes, that's right! M&MS are going on my seal of approval. First of all, you can get M&Ms anywhere and second of all you can also bake with them. I found a M&M cookie recipe and recently just found a M&M cupcake recipe! I have not yet tried the M&M cupcake recipe but I have tried the M&M cookie recipe. It's delicious! I also got the recipe from, you guessed it Laura Vitale. 

There are a few M&M flavour types. There is peanut, crispy chocolate and many more! My favourite flavour is between crispy and peanut. There are lots of colours of the M&Ms but they all taste the same.

My verdict on M&Ms is.... Yeah! M&Ms are awesome! There are many flavours and colours that you couldn't say no to them. 

Bye World!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Yes or no?

We are having a Yes or No post today!!!!!!! This yes or no will have FRUITS! I love most fruits but there are some that are not my deal.

1. Orange
I eat oranges all the time. You might have read a while back that  put on a post on the combination of chocolate and orange. I m a great fan of baking with oranges and there are millions and gazillions of orange recipes. If you just Google orange recipes you get lots of recipes and oranges get a big YES!    PS. I love home-made orange juice!

Pineapples are really NOT going on my seal of approval. I really hate pineapples! When you eat the slices there are strings ( I'm not sure how to explain it ) in them and the texture is way too wet. I really hate you pineapples so you get a NO! There is a really famous recipe with pineapples in it which is pineapple upside down cake

3. Blueberry
I never really eat blueberries but I guess the reason for that is because my whole family doesn't like them much. If they're not perfect then they are sour and horrible. And they can look a bit yucky but there are soooo many blueberry recipes that they are a pretty common baking ingredient. Alas I don't like blueberries so they get a NO!

4. Raspberry
Raspberries are quite yummy but there is one thing that is not good about them. The SEEDS! I just don't like the seeds! A raspberry tastes delicious but you just don't want to eat seeds. I do love raspberries though and there are again lots of raspberry recipes and therefore it gets a YES, the raspberry just scraped past with a yes.

Okay so there is a yes for the oranges and the raspberries but sadly the pineapples and blueberries go home with a big fat no! I will probably see you tomorrow so BYE WORLD!

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Today brownies are going on my seal of approval. Ahhhhh! Brownies!!!! I absolutely LOVE brownies soooo much. today I actually made some brownies and they are cooling so I can slice them. Brownies are one the most easiest common things to bake. They are so easy and take hardly any time. I know there are LOADS of different variations of brownies ( chocolate chips, nuts, etc ). I almost always make the normal brownies and sometimes put melted chocolate and smarties on top but that is only sometimes. I can't give you the recipe of brownies that I make because I have had it forever and don't know where it came from.

I have heard that Laura Vitale has like, four brownie recipes and you could try them out. I am going to probably make brownie ice-cream bars in the summer but that is still a LONG way away.

Sooooo, my verdict on the most awesomest thing in the entire world ( brownies ) is..You RULE! Brownies are so good! They are chocolatey, fudgy and the best thing ever! Anyway, I will see you tomorrow.

Squash you later!

BYE World!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Chicken kievs

Today chicken kievs are going on my seal of approval. A while ago I tried chicken kievs and they were just AMAZING! I love chicken but really hate fish so a garlic chicken kiev if really yummy! I'm pretty sure there are loads of different flavours of kiev but I just get the garlic chicken ones. I am not sure which brand I buy but it doesn't really matter what brand a chicken kiev is, what matters is if it's delicious! The filling can lok a bit yucky but do not be fooled, a chicken kiev is yummy!

I was going to put shamrock milkshake cupcakes on my blog today but I had no vanilla extract so I couldn't. But I will put shamrock milkshake cupcakes onto my blog when I make them. Okay, sooo my verdict for amazing chicken kievs is.....;. ( belly roll ) THUMBS UP! Chicken kievs are yummy,healthy and if you love chicken like me they will be one of the best things you have ever tasted! (Apart from chocolate of course ). Garfield says yes!
Bye WorlD!

Monday 3 February 2014

Real lemon bars

Hello again! Here are the real lemon bars I made. They look awesome if I may say so myself! Anyway I am gonna go now, bye!

Hot chocolate and lemon bars!!!

Hey everyone! I know I haven't been in touch for a while but things have been so busy this week! I made sooo many things like oreo ice-cream cake ( twice! ), LEMON BARS, soda bread and many more! I finished up my lemon bars on Saturday and they were just amazing! I got the recipe from Laura Vitales website and almost all my other recipes are from there. Another great thing about lemon bars is that they look really pretty! I am not one for decoration but these were just so pretty! I have a picture but can't get it on the blog somehow..

Another thing for my blog today is HOT CHOCOLATE! I know what you're thinking. Hot chocolate is the best thing ever invented! It's so yummy with melted marshmallows! I don't bother making my own hot chocolate I just buy the Cadburys pot and add milk. It is my favourite type of hot chocolate anyway! There are loads of different brands of hot chocolate like Bewleys, Terry's, Cadburys and many more! You can also buy hot chocolate makers but you don't really need one.

My verdict for hot chocolate and lemon bars is...
             YAHOO! You rock!
Even though I pretty much eat and drink you every day you will always be delicious.I will see you soon but for now Bye worLD!
