Tuesday 14 January 2014

Crisps!!!!! :P

Today crisps are going on my seal of approval. I really like crisps. There are so many flavours and shapes. Personally I like Doritos, Hunky Dorys and anything bacon or cheese & onion flavour. Originally crisps are made from potatoes but now they are made in ginormous factories.I am feeling pink today.If you go to places like Tayto Park in Ireland you can go into a hall where you can see the Tayto factory and the crisps being made.

There are so many flavours of crisps that I probably can't name them all but there a few extraordinary ones like TOMATO KETCHUP, SUNDAY BEST ROAST CHICKEN and even HONEY ROAST HAM AND CRANBERRY! Tayto has actually made a cheese & onion flavour chocolate bar with real bits of the cheese & onion!I actually think it's pretty nice.Two of my all time favourite types of crisps are CHEESE PUFFS and PAPRIKA crisps.
I know some of you may not know what flavour crisp paprika is but sadly I can't explain that.Sorry!Google it!

Now to get on with things.My verdict for crisps (not all the flavours, not the yucky ones) is...Crisps you ROCK!I love you crisps you are just delicious!