Monday 3 February 2014

Hot chocolate and lemon bars!!!

Hey everyone! I know I haven't been in touch for a while but things have been so busy this week! I made sooo many things like oreo ice-cream cake ( twice! ), LEMON BARS, soda bread and many more! I finished up my lemon bars on Saturday and they were just amazing! I got the recipe from Laura Vitales website and almost all my other recipes are from there. Another great thing about lemon bars is that they look really pretty! I am not one for decoration but these were just so pretty! I have a picture but can't get it on the blog somehow..

Another thing for my blog today is HOT CHOCOLATE! I know what you're thinking. Hot chocolate is the best thing ever invented! It's so yummy with melted marshmallows! I don't bother making my own hot chocolate I just buy the Cadburys pot and add milk. It is my favourite type of hot chocolate anyway! There are loads of different brands of hot chocolate like Bewleys, Terry's, Cadburys and many more! You can also buy hot chocolate makers but you don't really need one.

My verdict for hot chocolate and lemon bars is...
             YAHOO! You rock!
Even though I pretty much eat and drink you every day you will always be delicious.I will see you soon but for now Bye worLD!
