Thursday 13 February 2014


Today I made a chocoflan and it was soo filling and yummy! What a chocoflan is is a chocolate cake and on top is a flan, chocoflan get it? It was a bit time-consuming but totally worth it. I got my recipe form Laura in the Kitchen where you won't be able to get an easier recipe. Here's a picture of my chocoflan. I just love it when things turn out like you want them to.

I have never had a flan before ore a chocoflan but they are just bliss. If you plan on making something nice this week a chocoflan is what you are going to make. There's not really that much to say about chocoflans so my verdict for these yummy chocoflans is.....THUMBS UP!! Chocoflans rule and I'm gonna go now to eat some more!