Tuesday 25 February 2014

Chocolate milk and Lemon cake

I haven't really had a post for a while but I was on holidays! When I was on holidays I drank a lot of chocolate milk and I just love chocolate milk now!There are lots of brands of chocolate milk but they are pretty much all delicious! It is also kind of healthy ( well healthier than Coke anyway ). You can make your own chocolate milk but the store bought type is MUCH better.

On Sunday I made a lemon cake! I got the recipe from my granny in Holland and the cake was so yummy! It is a little bit lopsided but still amazing! Inside the cake was lemon cake and lemon curd and lemon cream on top. I also stuck some toppers in the cake to make it look pretty.

Okay, so my verdict for chocolate milk and the lemon cake I made is...( drumroll ) ...THUMBS UP!!! They were both delicious and amazing. So BYE WORLD!!!