Hi everyone, it's been a while since I have blogged, I have just been so busy! Anyway, I made and tried a lot of things like Coconut Cupcakes, Lemon Drizzle Cake and many more! But I walking somewhere and people were just giving out free KINDER BARS! They had loads! So I took one and I had forgotten how nice they were! The milky milk chocolate bar and even though they're tiny you will find one bar is enough
There are also Kinder eggs and whatnot. You can also buy cheap Kinder bars and that is great because Kinder bars are kinda expensive. I JUST WANT TO EAT A KINDER BAR NOW!!!! I'm not really sure of anything else to say so I'm just going to finish up now. My verdict on Kinder bars is...... SUPERCALIFRAGALISTICEXPIALADOCIOUS! That's all I have to say about Kinder bars so...BYE WORLD!!!